impressions from bewoners van geuzenveld

Auteur: null

hello, my name is Anne Voigt, I am studying urban design and for my diploma I projekt about geuzenveld and the westlijken tuinstede. I really like this site and therefore I want to ask your community somethink. I would like to have some impressions from you, from "real Geuzenvelder". How was the life here in the past, how is it now? What do you like or dislike? Do you miss somethink? Do you identify with Geuzenveld? If yes, waarmee do you identify in Geuzenveld? Could you help me? If you want, you could write me your stories and impressions also in dutch (and of course also your questions). to: I hope, I will get a lot of reactions (please!). I thank you a lot!!!
hartelijke groeten, Anne Voigt

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